Elegant - Folk music with Jazz - Swedish Jazz icon
Jan Johansson
Jan Johansson, the pioneering Swedish jazz pianist and composer, creates music that is like a poetic and beautiful journey through the enchanting landscape of jazz. His playing on the piano is like an artistic interpretation of Swedish folk melodies, where every note carries a subtle melancholy and a sense of Nordic elegance. Johansson is known for his unique approach to jazz, and his interpretations are filled with a fusion of Swedish folk music and sophisticated harmonies. Listening to a vinyl record with Jan Johansson is like losing yourself in a musical fairytale world where every track is like a loving tribute to Swedish musical heritage.
Similar artists: Esbjörn Svensson Trio | Bobo Stenson | Lars Gullin
Famous songs: Visa från Utanmyra | Emigrantvisa | Polska från Medelpad
Well-known Albums: Jazz på svenska | Musik genom fyra sekler | Innertrio