Groundbreaking - Intense - Spiritual
Albert Ayler
Albert Ayler was a revolutionary American saxophonist, known for his bold and pioneering role in the free jazz genre. Ayler's music is an explosive mix of raw power and deep emotionality, and he is celebrated for his unorthodox approach to tonality and rhythm. His sound world is characterized by intense improvisations that often break traditional musical structures, creating a strongly emotional and spiritual experience. His daring expressions and ability to redefine the role of the saxophone in jazz make him an icon and his works are indispensable for jazz enthusiasts, especially for those who visit Djungel & Jazz, a treasure trove of vinyl records in Stockholm.
Similar artists: Ornette Coleman | Cecil Taylor | Sun Ra
Famous songs: Ghosts | Spirits | Our Prayer
Well-known Albums: Spiritual Unity | Spirits Rejoice | In Greenwich Village