Atmospheric - Meditative - Expansive

The War On Drugs

The War On Drugs is an American indie rock band, known for their layer upon layer production, atmospheric soundscapes and meditative lyrics. The band's music is a mix of rock, heartland rock and neo-psychedelia, and is characterized by its expansive and textured soundscape. With slow-building arrangements and a profound sound experience, The War On Drugs create songs that are both thought-provoking and emotionally gripping. The band's ability to weave different musical elements into a cohesive whole has given them a special place in modern rock. For vinyl enthusiasts and fans of thoughtful, layered music, The War On Drugs offers an immersive and immersive listening experience.

Similar artists: Kurt Vile | Real Estate | Fleet Foxes

Famous songs: Red Eyes | Under the Pressure | Thinking of a Place

Well-known albums: Lost in the Dream | A Deeper Understanding | I Don’t Live Here Anymore

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The War On Drugs
Slave Ambient
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