Captivating - Melodic - Unique

Merit Hemmingson

Merit Hemmingson is a Swedish folk and jazz musician and organist who has made significant contributions to the Swedish jazz scene. Her music is characterized by a wonderful mix of jazz, blues and folk tunes. With his virtuoso organ playing and passion for improvisation, Hemmingson has created a unique musical style. Her music is both catchy and melodic, and it has a timeless quality that is still appreciated by music enthusiasts today. For those looking for high-quality Swedish jazz, Hemmingson's vinyl records are an excellent choice.

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Famous songs: Brudmarsch efter Florsen i Burs | No Milk Today | Sov du lilla vide ung

Well-known albums: Huvva! - Svensk Folkmusik På Beat | Trollskog | En piges dagbog

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