Introspective - Melancholy - Narrative

Damien Jurado

Damien Jurado is an American singer-songwriter from Seattle, known for his introspective and often melancholic songs. His music mixes folk, rock and indie with a strong storytelling tradition, and his lyrics explore themes of loss, longing and personal reflection. Jurado's voice is gentle and his compositions are spare but deeply moving, making his music an emotional journey for the listener.

Similar artists: Iron & Wine | Sufjan Stevens | José Gonzaléz

Famous songs: Ohio | Sheets | Silver Timothy

Well-known albums: Rehearsals for Departure | Where Shall You Take Me? | Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son

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Damien Jurado
Saint Bartlett
Sale price$35.00
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Damien Jurado
Waters Ave S
Sale price$35.00
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