Din guide till att börja samla på vinylskivor - Allt du behöver veta för att komma igång!

Your guide to vinyl record collecting - Everything you need to know to get started!

Whether you're a music lover, audio geek or just like to hold a record and feel the envelope, vinyl collecting is a fun and rewarding way to take part in music history.
Så tar du hand om dina vinylskivor

The best way to take care of your vinyl records

Caring for your vinyl records is all about small, simple steps that make a big difference over time. By cleaning, storing and handling your records correctly, you get better sound quality and ...
Årets Second Hand-klapp - En cirkulär julklapp i dubbel bemärkelse

This year's Second Hand gift - A circular Christmas gift in a double sense

A timeless vinyl record is not just a gift, it's a journey through music history. At Djungel & Jazz you will find both new and second-hand records that carry stories and emotions, a perfect way...
Skivnålens betydelse för vinylskivors ljudkvalitet och livslängd

The Importance of the Record Needle for the Sound Quality and Lifespan of Vinyl Records

Investing in a quality needle and regularly maintaining it and your records will give you a better sound experience and extend the life of your vinyl collection. The stylus is simply indispens...
Skivnål som ligger på en vinylskiva i närbild

The Superior Sound Quality of Vinyl Records: A Time Travel to the Golden Age of Music

In a digital age, where music is often consumed through compressed MP3 files and streaming services, the return of the vinyl record has baffled and enchanted music enthusiasts the world over. The...