Mysterious - Dirty - Iconic

MF Doom

MF Doom, also known as "Metal Face Doom," is an iconic and enigmatic artist in the world of hip hop. His music is characterized by complex and sharp lyrics that are filled with puns and references. MF Doom's signature mask and mysterious persona have made him a legend in the genre. His soundscape is often based on dirty and twisted beats that create a unique atmosphere. MF Doom's vinyl records are a sought-after treasure for collectors seeking a deep dive into the hip hop subculture and an artist who challenges convention.Mystical - Dirty - Screwed - Iconic

Similar artists: Madlib | Earl Sweatshirt | Viktor Vaughn (MF Doom alias) |

Famous songs: All Caps | Doomsday | Rhinestone Cowboy

Well-known albums: Madvillainy (with Madlib) | Operation: Doomsday | MM..Food

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MF Doom ~ Operation: Doomsday (Vinyl) - Djungel & Jazz
MF Doom
Operation: Doomsday
Sale price£24.00
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MF Doom
Operation: Doomsday
Sale price£27.00
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Just In
MF Doom ~ MM..Food (Vinyl) - Djungel & Jazz
MF Doom
Sale price£27.00