Nuanced - Versatile - Basic
Georg Riedel
Georg Riedel, a Swedish bassist and composer of Czech origin, is above all known for his extensive work in Swedish jazz and for his collaboration with legendary artists such as Arne Domnérus and Jan Johansson. Riedel's playing style is rich in nuance, with a deep and resonant tone that lays a strong foundation for the musical compositions. He is also famous for his work with children's music, especially his compositions for Astrid Lindgren's works, which shows his versatility as a musician. With a career spanning several decades, Georg Riedel is an icon in Swedish music, his works are an important part of the music scene and are highly valued by vinyl collectors and jazz enthusiasts in Stockholm, especially at Djungel & Jazz.
Similar artists: Jan Johansson | Arne Domnérus | Palle Danielsson
Famous songs: Visa från Utanmyra | Emigrantvisa | Barnvisa
Well-known Albums: Jazz på svenska (with Jan Johansson) | Antiqua (with Arne Domnérus)