Experimental - Captivating - Psychedelic

Panda Bear

Panda Bear, alias Noah Lennox of Animal Collective, creates music that is as experimental as it is captivating. His soundscape is a journey through psychedelic tones and dreamy melodies. A vinyl record featuring Panda Bear takes the listener on a journey through sound layers and expressions that are unique and hypnotizing.

Similar artists: Animal Collective | Tame Impala | Grizzly Bear

Famous songs: Bros | Comfy in Nautica | Tropic of Cancer

Well-known albums: Person Pitch | Tomboy | Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper

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Panda Bear & Sonic Boom
Sale price€27,95
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Panda Bear
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Panda Bear
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Panda Bear
Person Pitch
Sale price€31,95
New Vinyl
Panda Bear
Sale price€27,95