Charlie Parker And The Jazz All-Stars With Sarah Vaughan ~ Bird Lives (Vinyl) - Djungel & Jazz

Charlie Parker And The Jazz All-Stars With Sarah Vaughan
Bird Lives

Rea-pris156 kr Pris195 kr
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Djungel & Jazz Very Good Plus (VG+)

Djungel & Jazz Very Good Plus (VG+)

Djungel & Jazz Lagervara - Upphämtning tillgänglig i butik

Förväntad leverans sker mellan måndag, 2024-09-23 och tisdag, 2024-09-24

Upphämtning tillgänglig på Hökens gata 10 Vanligtvis redo inom 1 timme

Charlie Parker And The Jazz All-Stars With Sarah Vaughan ~ Bird Lives

Hökens gata 10

Upphämtning tillgänglig, vanligtvis redo inom 1 timme

Hökens gata 10
Djungel & Jazz
116 46 Stockholm

Betalmetoder som erbjuds

Charlie Parker And The Jazz All-Stars With Sarah Vaughan ~ Bird Lives

Mer från artisten: Charlie Parker | Sarah Vaughan |
Second Hand vinyl
Record has some shallow wear. Variation with black and silver labels. Pieces of tape on back with handwritten dates under each track. No envelope inner, but an Emitex important.
Skivans skick: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Fodralets skick:
Very Good Plus (VG+)

Skivbolag: Continental Records |
Vinyl, LP, Compilation, Reissue, Mono

Jazz |
Bop |
Release ID: r3689706

Discogs ratings

Feedback från kunder

Cant find a better seller! Top notch!
